The Best time to visit Rio de Janeiro

Ready to party? Not for the faint-hearted, an explosion of joy and energy- a manifestation of dreams and fantasy- The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, a world-famous festival held before lent every year, is the best season to be in Rio.
During the Carnival period, the fun is endless. Happening at the peak of summer, when the Cariocas are at their finest; streets blooming with contagious spontaneity, radiant sunshine and indigenous Samba rhythms, there is no time like Carnival. Get ready to board the Samba train, here's a rundown of what to expect during the season.
The Samba Parade
Forget work, the only commuting you will be doing during the official Carnival period will be to Samba parades, Carnival balls and street parties and blocks (blocos). Come and join the jubilation-the biggest show and cultural phenomenon on the planet, the competition of the Samba schools is fierce. The Samba school parade of Rio-highlighting world valuing cultural productions with its authentic African and jazz roots- is a spectacle of sound, colour and music, filled with flashy floats and astounding adornments drawing in thousands of viewers from home and abroad.
With the high season comes high prices and big crowds, but you will also be attending the “Best party in the world” according to the foreign site Fun Party. Passing parades as diverse as the spectators, you will never experience passion quite like it. The Samba schools are composed of a collaboration of local neighbours coalescing during Carnival, with some kind of regional, geographical background. Uniting the soul of the Brazilian people are the way of the rhythmic beats of the newly emerged black base, the Samba. Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance online.
The Street Festivals
As the parades are occurring in the Sambrodrome, the passion is continuing elsewhere, with many carnival participants uniting at other locations. Anyone and everyone is allowed to participate in the street festivals- your Carnival experience wouldn't be complete without jumping in.
With more than 450 official blocks, the city street carnival is around five times greater than the schools of Samba. The beautiful Cariocas blossom on the streets in vibrant costumes for fun, joy and dance, attending blocks the most varied. Rhythms like Samba, marching music and “thematic” blocks of Card Black Ball, Banda de Ipanema and Sergeant Pepper are just a few of the magical bands on the scene. If you do decide to escape the February blues, make sure to book accommodation and flights well in advance.
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