Expat Life in Rio de Janeiro

Who does not want to live in the most sensational city of Brazil? Stunning beaches, exotic culture, gourmet food and lively culture beckons people from all over the world to visit this enchanting city.
So if you too are planning to live in this ‘Cidade Maravilhosa’ or ‘Marvellous City’ for some days you will certainly enjoy your stay here.
The people in Rio are known as Cariocas, and they are generally easy-going, fun and welcoming people. They often greet each other with hugs and kisses and the gesture does not necessarily have romantic feelings in it. The overall standard of living in the city has increased considerably, however you may see many favelas or slums beside high-rise buildings.
If you want to mix with the locals and study their culture, then stay as a paying guest at some house or bread-and-breakfast instead of at the hotels. Make sure you are living in a safe locality. However, if you are looking to stay for an extended period of time and want to rent a place of your own then remember that Rio is very densely populated and finding a place can take some time.
Also, visiting places like bars and restaurants which are a local favourite will help you in getting to know the city better. Do not flaunt your jewellery or gadgets in public places to avoid unnecessary attention. Also, study the locals and try to dress up like them.
Adapting to the lifestyle of any city takes time, and the city of Rio de Janeiro also is no exception, so have a positive outlook and enjoy your stay in here.
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